The James Protin Podcast

One Haircut at a Time with Lorenzo Altobelli | The James Protin Podcast

James Protin Season 1 Episode 114

Our guest for Episode 114, Lorenzo Altobelli believes that the impact we make on others shapes our legacy. As the owner and barber at LA Fades in North Belle Vernon, Lorenzo is dedicated to giving back to his community. 

His mission is to make a positive difference in people’s lives, one haircut at a time.

Lorenzo believes a barber can change lives by providing more than just a haircut. They often serve as confidants, listeners, and mentors, offering a safe space for clients to express themselves and receive guidance. 

By building relationships and offering support, Lorenzo positively impacts mental health and overall well-being of his customers. 

Additionally, through community involvement and initiatives like free haircuts for those in need, barbers can make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

As always, the visually inclined can catch it on YouTube, or listen in on Spotify or your favorite podcast platform.